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Re: 1024x768 and 150MHz Pentium?

> A while ago, someone here mentioned seeing an announcement for a new 760 with
> the added pixels and cycles. I can't find it on the IBM Web pages. Can anyone
> help? Anyone know anything more about it?
> ssh
> --

Try http://www2.ibmlink.ibm.com/cgi-bin/master?xh=vxH*wXaUYBIQO10USenGn9332&request=announcements&parms=H%5f196%2d163&xhi=usa%2emain%7cannouncements%5e
Choose announcements, Title/Product and search for 760E 

//// Harald Skotnes		// Email: harald@staff.cs.uit.no  /
/// Dept. of Computer Science  // Phone: +47 77 64 41 16         //
// University of Tromsoe      // Fax: +47 77 64 40 54           ///	 
/ N-9037 TROMSOE NORWAY	     // Like it or not, it's One World ////