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RE: WTB: 560 133mhz 1gm Active Matrix, 8mb

Are these machines upgradable?  I.e. if the performance SUCKS can I later replace the processor?

From:  Randy Whittle[SMTP:whittle@usc.edu]
Sent:  Wednesday, September 04, 1996 7:00 PM
To:  Robert Dewar
Cc:  markrees@mindspring.com; thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject:  Re: WTB: 560 133mhz 1gm Active Matrix, 8mb

At 06:35 PM 9/4/96 EDT, Robert Dewar wrote:

>"        Are you dying for the 133 MHz Pentium over the 120, or is it an
>issue with the Hard Disk size?
>        If the CPU, I wouldn't make a stink--the difference in speed between
>these CPU's, given all else being equal, is very minimal."
>Are you sure, have you actually benchmarked the two machines. The 133MHz
>machine I have is by FAR faster than my 90MHz 760CD. The difference
>is more than a factor of 2 on nearly everything I have run so far, which
>is much more than one would expect from the clock speed.

        As I said, "given all else being equal".

        For one thing, Robert, isn't your 133 MHz Pentium machine a Toshiba
Tecra?  And your 90 MHz 760CD--that doesn't even use a PCI bus (later 760's
do though, right?), as I understand it!  Indeed, there is likely to be a
plethora of differences between these two machines.

        But for the 560's come in only 3 total flavors, the top to being
virtually identical in everything but processor & HD size.  As far as I
know, there's not difference in design, architecture, etc.  The specs I read
from IBM show they are essentially the same machine.  Just one uses a P120
and the other a P133.

>You cannot assume that a 120MHz and 133MHz machine will only differ by 10%
>in performance without benchmarking them.

        Given the above (same model, same series, same architecture, etc), I
think I can, though benchmarking would be preferable.  But since nobody can
find a P133 560, that's not going to happen any time soon.

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle