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Win95 Suspend lockup

I have been having a problem with my 755cx and Win95.  Every once and 
a while, when I am doing some type of long process, the computer goes 
into suspend mode and then locks up.  This only seems to be a problem 
if the process I am running is a demeon type of process.

For example, the recent lockup occurred when I was backing up my 
machine over the network on to tape.  My machine went into suspend 
mode ( the screen saver came on, and then it blanked ).  A little 
later, the other machine reported an error that the network drive was 
no longer available.  Sure enough, the thinkpad was locked.

It was locked to the point that I could not eject it from the docking 
station.  I had to pull the plug on the docking station, lift up the 
keyboard, and pull the battery.

Has anyone seen this before?  Any help would be appreciated.
Mark M. Ingerman
Creative Software Solutions, Inc.
(508) 394-5899