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RE: Win95 Suspend lockup

I do ot remember seeing the original thread but I know that there is a 
KNOWN problem with 760's (E and ED) with locking up when you come out 
of suspend or hibernation mode if you have a Modem in the PCMCIA slot 
or you do not use the IBM PCIC driver.

First thing to try is to make sure that the IBM driver is installed 
(check device manager in system properties).  If not you need to 
change the driver to the IBM one.

If the IBM driver is installed you will need to remember to remove the 
MODEM from the PCMCIA slot BEFORE you go into suspend.

I have an open call with IBM on this and I hope that a fix is 

I hope this helps!!!

Microsoft ClubWin

From:  Steve Hultquist[SMTP:ssh@wwsi.com]
Sent:  Wednesday, September 04, 1996 10:34 PM
To:  Mark M. Ingerman
Cc:  thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject:  Re: Win95 Suspend lockup

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark M Ingerman <ingerman@chelsea.ios.com> writes:

 Mark> I have been having a problem with my 755cx and Win95.  Every 
once and a
 Mark> while, when I am doing some type of long process, the computer 
goes into
 Mark> suspend mode and then locks up.  This only seems to be a 
problem if the
 Mark> process I am running is a demeon type of process.

How are your power options set?  This is pretty weird; I never had 
this happen
with mine.  Are you running Win95 APM with current TP utilities?

 Mark> It was locked to the point that I could not eject it from the 
 Mark> station.  I had to pull the plug on the docking station, lift 
up the
 Mark> keyboard, and pull the battery.

It's actually easier than that.  If it's a Dock II, hit the catch 
under the
pinhole on the left side, pull the slider lever, and take it out.

Steve Hultquist, Founder                       Engineering the future
Worldwide Solutions, Inc.                                 ...with you
Boulder, Colorado, USA        303.581.0800        http://www.wwsi.com