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IBM 2 GB 2.5" drive in older TPs

I have a failing (1 year + old) 1.2 GB IBM ThinkPad
drive (85G8606).  I was told the warranty on the drive
(which I bought along with a 755CX - 810 MB drive)
is only a year (3 years for the drive supplied with the
TP).  The drive has started to make VERY LOUD noises
when rotating the disks so the drive is probably going
south (it has been backed up to tape).

I was wondering if anyone had tried one of the newer
2.16 GB IBM drives (DCRA-22160 Travelstar 2XP) in a
ThinkPad like a 755CX or 760 that will accept the thick
drives like the 1.2?  The 2XP is the same size and
weight as the 1.2G and power consumption, etc seem to
be the same.  The major differences I can see are the
increased capacity (probably due to the PRML digital
channel) and an ATA-3 interface (vs ATA-2 for the older
drive) with higher transfer rates.

See:  http://www.storage.ibm.com.:80/storage/oem/data/g2256661.htm

Anyone know if an ATA-3 drive will work with an older
level controller like the one in my 755CX?  

I was thinking of taking the failing 1.2 out of the caddy
and putting in a 2.16 if ordinary mortals can buy them.

Suggestions, comments, or (even better) experience?

Thanks to Joe.Bormel for pointing me to the IBM almaden



Stuart F. Biggar                    Phone:  (520) 621-8168
Remote Sensing Group                FAX:    (520) 621-8292
Optical Sciences Center  
University of Arizona
1600 N. Country Club Rd, Ste 100
Tucson, AZ 85716-3160               Internet:  Stuart.Biggar@opt-sci.arizona.edu