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Re: APM and PCMCIA...

> On Sep 15, 12:06pm, Elvin wrote:
> 	When ever I do a FN-F4 to suspend the system, all goes well, when I
> unsuspend, everything still works.. though  sometimes it takes around 1-5
> seconds for the pcmcia card to start again..
> 	When I looked at the log (/var/adm/messages).. I get this...
> Sep 15 12:01:31 dupre cardmgr[44]: executing: '/etc/pcmcia/serial suspend
> ttyS1'
> Sep 15 12:01:31 dupre cardmgr[44]: executing: '/etc/pcmcia/serial resume
> ttyS1'
> I remember suspending at 9:00 and unsuspending  at 12:01:31, why does the
> card   suspend only  when  I unsuspend?  I  have Hayes  Optima 288, which
> supports suspending.. so any ideas?

I don't think there's  anything abnormal there:  the cardmgr probably emits
these messages  before the machine suspends  all right just syslogd doesn't
get  a chance  to write them   out to the  messages file  before you resume
operation.  I   haven't looked into the syslogd   source but  I  can easily
imagine that the time stamps correspond to the  time the message is written
out not  when it was initiated;  there's normally no substantial difference
between the two  and there  may not be   an easy way  to  do otherwise.  If
you're curious use the source ;).

Hope this helps.
