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List Admin Stuff

I would like to propose to the list and its administrator the addition of a
couple of things to the header and signature file which will be added to all
messages that are sent to the list:

1.  the subject line should get a "thinkpad:" to distinguish its source,
making the sorting of mail easier, and knowing its origin by a simple glance.

2. "(c) Sender's name <sender@foo.com> -- thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
For help send a message to THINKPAD-REQUEST@CS.UTK.EDU with help in the
subject line"

or reference to a simple web page that would contain the subsciption info
and archive info (ie: For help see http://www.cs.utk.edu/foo/bar)

the (c) thing is for copywrite, todays lawyers are getting to be such pains
in the ass, we sould cover our buts.

It seems to me that people 'forget' where thay put their subscription
request and bother the list with 'unsub me posts.'  This seems to happen in
spurts and this is has been one of those periods.



You can still see us at http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~pantazis !!!!!
