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Re: Mwave Modem - dialtone recognition ???

From: "Geoff Hogan" <g.hogan@physics.oxford.ac.uk>
> Tony,
> >documentation for the MWave, and I cannot find any AT command settings
> >that will force the modem to dial the initial 9 to get the
> >conventional tone, or to just ignore the tone, an dial blindly.  I
> I'm no expert in such things, but my PCMCIA modem accepts a range of ATX
> commands for extended results code selection: X0: blind dialling; X1: blind
> dialling, gives connect speed; X2: needs dialtone, gives connect speed; X3:
> blind dialling, gives connect speed, BUSY enabled; X4: needs dialtone, all
> messages on.  X4 is the default for my modem - how about trying ATX3 in your
> initialization string?
> Geoff

Yes, the ATX0, X1, and X3 all disable dial tone detection. The complete
description is in the "OS/2 Modem Help" document in the MWave folder (if
you're using OS/2). It's also available under the "Help" menu selection in
the MWave Modem window.

Paul Walukewicz