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TP750 Memory Upgrades

Hi Folks,

I have been following ThinkPad related press for some time now, and 
think I have seen adverts that suggest that a TP750 (mono) can be 
upgraded to 40MB RAM. 

I was led to believe that the maximum possible memory for this unit 
was 20MB. Has anyone bought one of these upgrades (available from 
either Portable Enhancements or Corporate Upgrades) and tried it 
out, or is there a definitive answer about how much RAM you can put 
in a TP750? 

I would be very grateful for any assistance. BTW, if you have a 750 
and want good DOS sound support, by the IBM 3D PCMCIA sound card. I 
got one recently and have been dead impressed. Oh well, just my 


Dan Hammett.

|        Dan Hammett - TN-16X Customer Support Engineer         |
| NORTEL Technology,            |                               |
| Doagh Road,                   | Tel: +44 (0) 1232 363525      |
| Newtownabbey                  | ESN: 6 751 3525               |
| Co. Antrim, BT36 6XA          | Email: dhammett@nortel.ca     |
| Northern Ireland              |                               |
| Opinions expressed in this email are mine, not my employer's  |