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Hi Friends
New to the list. Name is Harry, and I use a Thinkpad 701C with
8MB/360MB, a Megahertz XJ2288 PCMCIA modem, and an Adaptec
SlimSCSI APA1460A PCMCIA card attached to an external HD system and 
I'm a doctoral student in Biology at Syracuse University, and the 
Thinkpad is my primary research tool. 
We had a major problem with the machine about 2 weeks ago when we 
hooked up a Logitech EZ-Scan handheld scanner to the Thinkpad and our 
old APA348 SCSI host adapter. Apparently, the Logitech parallel-port 
"black box" sent power into the host adapter and fried it. It took 
the purchase & installation of the APA1460A to demonstrate that the 
Scanner fried the old APA348, but not before we lost the c:\windows
directory and several others (like FaxWorks) during a re-install.

Logitech denies that the EZ-Scan power unit is responsible, but that 
is a totally expected response. 

Anyway, I do love the 701C, and until 2 weeks ago, I've never had any 
kind of problem with it. I'm looking for copies of FaxWorks and any 
other Thinkpad-bundled software, since we lost all of the original 
stuff in the crash. Does IBM replace them for registered users?

Syracuse, NY