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Re: Looking for a TP560

At 04:45 PM 10/10/96 -0400, Lew Jansen wrote:
>  Can anyone tell me who has TP560's in stock?  It needs to be the
>P120/TFT/810MB version at least, but we'd prefer the P133/TFT/1.08G version. 

        I bought my P120 version about 6 weeks ago from PC Zone, which had
them in stock.  I even talked 'em into price-matching another firm that sold
it for about $300 cheaper than they did (didn't get the match, but I *did*
get some level of concession and a deal on a 2nd battery & memory--though I
bought the memory elsewhere).

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle
  "If you've been in the game for 30 minutes and still don't know who
is the patsy...*YOU* are the patsy."      - Warren Buffet