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Re: Introduction/IBM/NT4.0

On Oct 14,  4:21pm, Guy W. Farrell wrote:
> Subject: Re: Introduction/IBM/NT4.0
> > I would have to disagree with you regarding IBM's products quality 
> > support based on my personal experiences with them during the last 
> > months. I've gotten much better support and quality products from 
> > for their high end Versa lines. When I or my company paid $5 - $6K 
for a 
> > machine, I expected it to be more reliable than what I've seen.
> I've found no better support than IBM, although I have an IBM 
> certified rep on campus and have never dealt with NEC.  72hrs turn 
> around with no questions asked is good in my book,  Yes I've had 
> serious problems with ThinkPads, but breakages requiring repairs have 
> been resolved painlessly.
> > I'm running NT/WS 4.0 on a 760ELD with only 16MB RAM (I'm not 
> > to spend more money on this machine). It takes about a minute to 
> > up to the login screen. I guess depends on how many protocols and 
> > services that you included in the autostart that it will take more 
> > less time to come up.
> Have you read the "NT on laptops" posts lately?  Everyone says that
> NT is a resouce hog.  Thats no surprise.  Carefull with your
> expectations of NT on a laptop.  I've seen it running happily (2 yrs
> ago) on a 486/DX2-66, but that machine had 512MB RAM and a 9GB
> Fast/Wide SCSI hard drive with 4MB RAM cache for the drive.  The
> drive through put and RAM really help.  Maybe that example is a bit
> over-the-top, but laptop drives are still piss slow and 16MB doesn't
> even allow Win95 to run smoothly.  Ziff tests also place most 133MHz
> laptops at ~P90 desktop performance.
> Guy W. Farrell
> Network Coordinator                (860)486-5000
> The UConn Foundation, Inc.         (800)269-9965
> U-Box 206
> Storrs, CT 06269-4190
> E-mail: gfarrell@oasis.vpia.uconn.edu
> Computer Support for Institutional Advancement
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>-- End of excerpt from Guy W. Farrell

Well, I'm glad that you're getting good help from IBM. I, on the other 
hand, have not received the same support that I should be getting.

I've posted a message on the comp.sys.laptops a few weeks ago regarding 
the 760ELD and it was also posted here. So far, I have not received any 
responses from IBM regarding these matters. Unless they show me 
otherwise, they will not be in my high list of vendors. Is there anyone 
from IBM subscribed to this mailing list?

As far as NT, I agreed that it's a resource hog and no one in a 
production environment should be running it with less than 32MB of RAM 
and a Pentium 120. In my case, it's more for testing purpose than real 
life use since I use Win95 as my main production environment.

John Pham


	| John Pham                Phone: (800) 422-7044       | 
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