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Re: Use of a modem on a digital (?) line...

1-800-Batteries (yes, that's the name of the company...I think it used to be
Road Warrior International) has the line testers for $30 (item 6207). It is
IBM logo'd.
Mike Redmond
At 02:21 PM 10/21/96 -0400, Vince Wayland wrote:
>IBM was advertising a line tester in the Computer Shopper a while back.
> It cost US$30 and would tell you whether a line was analog or digital.
>Another mobile computing specialist (I forget the name) also sells the
>tester for the same price.
>Maybe someone could post specifics on the converter?
>Vince Wayland	Onsite at The National Environmental Supercomputer Center
>(517)894-7671	     for Cray Research, A Silicon Graphics Corporation
>veg@nesc.epa.gov	NESC, 135 Washington Ave., Bay City, MI  48708