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Re: Big hard drive for 755cx

The expectation is that the Toshiba 2.1G drive will work in the ThinkPad.
You need a special carrier that can hold a 19mm drive. Also, some functions
will be lost like drive password and hibernation.

I upgraded my TP 755CD with a 1G 19mm Quantum and it went pretty smoothly. I
used a PS-Solutions carrier. One thing to be aware of is that, with a 2G
drive formatted with a single partition, you will end up with very large
"allocation" units (probably 128K) meaning a 1K file will take 128K to store
it, leading to lots of disk fragmentation. You can reduce the problem by
partitioning the disk to lots of smaller drives. The real solution is to use
MS FAT32 to get smaller allocation units. This is new and not too compatible. 

I had thought about doing the 2.1G Toshiba, but the Quantum came along at an
outrageously good price ($190) so, I will wait to load up my drive space
until the 2.1G's fall in price. I've seen the Toshibas for as little as
$579. I think that was from a company called Bason.

Mike Redmond
At 05:25 PM 10/30/96 -0500, Mark M. Ingerman wrote:
>I am looking for a larger hard drive fro my 755cx.  Ibm says that the
>largest drive available is a 1.2 Gig.  I was hoping for a 2 gig drive.  I
>seem to remmeber a discussion about this.  Does anybody know if there is a
>2 gig drive which willl work in my thinkpad with little effort?  Either
>way, I would appreciate suggestions on where to buy the 1.2 gig or better
>Mark M. Ingerman
>Creative Software Solutions, Inc.
>(508) 394-4266