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Re: Parity question

> What will happen if I go into the EZ setup program and disable RAM 
> parity checking on my 755CE? Will this cause any performance or 
> compatibility problems? Non-parity RAM upgrades seem to be slightly 
> less expensive than the parity type.

This may have changed with the later models, but on my 750, all parity
checking did was warn you of 1-bit memory errors.  While this is
useful, it's nothing you couldn't find out with a program (or OS) that
rigorously tests or works the memory (like OS/2, NT, or Linux).

Some EISA machines and possibly PCI machines have this neat feature
where if the parity memory indicates an error, the computer will map
around it.  You lose a few bytes (few k?) of RAM, but the memory
SIMM/DIMM/card is still usable.
John H. Kim