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Re: grinning because he just upgraded to 36M!

| Lee, (who's grinning because he just upgraded to 36M!)
|   I would like to grin, as well.
|   What does it cost to upgrade to 36M and how do I do it?
| I currently have a 16M viking memory card in my pad with
| a total of 24M of RAM.  I am contemplating Win NT 4.0 and
| have heard that 32M is "the least you oughta be".

I run NT4.0 Workstation on my TP760c, which has 24MB RAM and he runs just
fine. It can get a little sticky with say, Netscape, Word, Eudora Pro, and
Image Composer running, but if you can handle having only three really big
apps going on at once, its great. 

One warning though - if you can get away with it - DON'T load the MWave
drivers. They have an 11MB memory footprint!!! So, in the interest of
saving some K, I don't have them on my 760c (I use a Megahertz XJ2288) but
on my 755cx, I did load them, simply because I have 40MB on there, and I
don't notice the memory loss as much.

Hope this helps,