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Re: TP701 Hibernation File

On Tue, 12 Nov 1996 14:25:46 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

"Not to beat a dead horse, but (regarding the original poster's problem of 
"huge Hib files in light of his RAM upgrade) there is another alternative 
"to totally doing away with the hibernation file. The TP701 Bios allows 
"you to specify the size of your hib file. You can make it as small as 
"4MB, even if you are saddled with the burden of 24MB RAM on your TP 701!
"I just thought I'd mention that, even though epbrown and Joerg surely 
"already know this, just thought I would tell everyone else ... 
	I've heard of this already, but never heard of anyone using it; any idea
how it works?  Compress all the data or something?
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