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Re: DX4-74 --> 5x86-100 Conversion Question

ross@math.hawaii.edu (David Ross) writes:

> ]  FYI: They [PEP] offer for $500 to 
> ] replace the DX4-74 chip with an 5x86-100 which would
> ] > appear to almost double the power of the laptop.
> Pasting the label "vroom vroom!" above the keyboard would also
> appear to almost double the power of the laptop, at least until you
> tried to do anything with it.  If PEP or anyone else is seriously
> claiming that the new chip will double the speed, they should be
> willing to back it up with some sort of evidence, or maybe a
> money-back guarantee:-)

Wouldn't that be AMD's responsibility?  I'm interested in hearing
opinions of how big the improvement is likely to be - you sound pretty
skeptical.  What about for real 32 bit operating systems like Linux?
David Fox	    http://www.cat.nyu.edu/fox		 xoF divaD
NYU Media Research Lab   fox@cat.nyu.edu    baL hcraeseR aideM UYN