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Re: Mwave 33.6 and Thinkpads

     Where did you get the 33.6 MWave driver?
     Richard Hamel
     Hewlett Packard
     Network Server Division
     Santa Clara, CA

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Subject: Re: Mwave 33.6 and Thinkpads
Author:  Non-HP-hosseino (hosseino@yu1.yu.edu) at HP-Boise,mimegw2
Date:    12/5/96 11:05 PM

YES! I just finished doing it on my 755CD.  The only tricky part was 
matching up the right filenames and directories in the mwmwin.ini.  I had 
to expand the files manually since the install program refused to do it 
since the beta is only supposed to be for dynalink cards.  I think I might 
hack together a batch file over the weekend that will install 
automatically for people.
The mwmodem program with the little modem lights shows that it recognizes 
it as a 33.6k modem, but so far after two tries I only got 28.8 
connections on IBM's internet service which is supposed to have 33.6k 
modems on their end.  
On Thu, 5 Dec 1996, Pat Presidente wrote:
> Does anyone know if the 33.6 mwave driver works with Thinkpads?  I have a 
> TP755 CDV.