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compression in pcdos and pcmcia sram


This is a very simple question, but I can't seem to find the answer
in any of the documentation or help files I have...

I have a TP750C w/ a PC-DOS 6.3/Windows 3.11 configuration.  I'm using
the built in PC-DOS compression, which swaps C: with E:.  I'm also
loading the Socket Services ATA/SRAM driver, which assigns each of the
slots to D: and E:, hence making E: (raw HD) inaccessible to Windows.
Is there a way to force PC-DOS to swap C: and F: or G: at bootup instead?

Thanks in advance,
Dave Ahn,  ahn@relito.medeng.bgsm.edu   "When you were born you cried, and the
                                         world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
Medical Visualization Laboratory         so that when you die you will rejoice,
Bowman Gray School of Medicine           and the world will cry."  -1/2 jj^2