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RE: thinkpad 350c from 486/25 t0 486/100?

The TP350 uses a 486SL   . There is NO upgrade path for the
SL series. Sorry!  As one who also uses a Compac Concerto (pen)
this is truly sad.
From: 	David Ross[SMTP:ross@math.hawaii.edu]
Sent: 	Wednesday, December 04, 1996 2:45 PM
To: 	Terry Haggin
Cc: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu; tph@best.com
Subject: 	Re: thinkpad 350c from 486/25 t0 486/100?

> A 486/25 changed to 486/100 is a 4 x speed difference. wow!

I hate to keep harping on this, but even in the best of circumstances
you won't see this kind of speed increase.  (However, if possible a
switch on your machine to, say, an AMD586-100 is more of a benefit than
a similar swap on the 701, since I believe your 486/25 has no internal
cache, unlike the cpu on the 701.)

- David (ross@math.hawaii.edu)