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Re: tft display testing

At 08:36 PM 12/17/96 -0800, you wrote:
>On Wed, 18 Dec 1996, Alden S Klovdahl wrote:
>> anyone have a pointer to a little program to test for malfunctioning pixels
>> on a tft screen?  i guess it would address each pixel row by row, turning on
>> and off red, green, blue, then all on, all off. or, better yet, all red on,
>> all green on, all blue on, all on, all off.
>  Now that's silly..  =)
>  All you need to do is change the screen color to all white to check for 
>pixels not turning on, then all black to test for ones not turning off.  
>If you don't see any spots that are not all white or all black then it is 
>fine.  The human eye is very good at spotting things like this.

Alas, I wish it were that simple. I have a few pixels on my 760C that work
great on certain colors (blue comes to mind) and on a black background, but fail
on red or remain blue. One pixel is partially stuck, and it will flicker under
blue only, but is fine everywhere else. A program, as described above, would
be great for picking out pixels that do not fail in a on/off-->white/black

|     Mark Bell          |"A sufficient quantity of delusions | 
|800 College Drive #126  |constitutes a valid reality, while a| 
| Vineland, NJ 08360     |lack of an appreciable amount of    |
|    609-327-5994        |reality constitutes a delusion"     |
| bytehead@mindspring.com|                                    |