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RE: tft display testing

'llo there,

>>> anyone have a pointer to a little program to test for malfunctioning pixels
>>> on a tft screen?  i guess it would address each pixel row by row, turning on
>>> and off red, green, blue, then all on, all off. or, better yet, all red on,
>>> all green on, all blue on, all on, all off.
>>  Now that's silly..  =)

i remember using a shareware/pd-program a while back
called winCRT or somethingCRT for windows (3.x).
it let you test distortion for "real" CRT's, and
one of the options was screen all green, red, or blue,
and varying shades of white/grey. 

sounds like that's what you're looking for.

for a quick hack, take paintshop pro, capture a piece of
white screen, e.g. alt-PrtSrcn with a window that
has a lot of white, then ctrl-v in paintshop, and crop 
everything else...
resize it to your screen resolution,
and show it in full screen.
then change the colors by "color|rgb" and removing
colors as needed, e.g.:
for a red picture, change green and blue -100%, leave red.
then shift-f for full screen...

quite happy with dual-scan,


>>  All you need to do is change the screen color to all white to check for 
>>pixels not turning on, then all black to test for ones not turning off.  
>>If you don't see any spots that are not all white or all black then it is 
>>fine.  The human eye is very good at spotting things like this.
>Alas, I wish it were that simple. I have a few pixels on my 760C that work
>great on certain colors (blue comes to mind) and on a black background, but fail
>on red or remain blue. One pixel is partially stuck, and it will flicker under
>blue only, but is fine everywhere else. A program, as described above, would
>be great for picking out pixels that do not fail in a on/off-->white/black

.                 Axel Hartmann                                       .
. Paper         : Blumenstr. 15; 76133 Karlsruhe; Germany
. Voice         : [0|xx49] 721 - 27115                                 .
. E-Mail        : Axel.Hartmann@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de                 .
. Homepage      : http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Axel.Hartmann          .