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direct X video drivers and TP760ED

I have recieved from a friend a game that requires "Direct X" drivers 
in order to run properly.  I have sucessfully dowloaded  the drivers from 
Activision but hesitate to install them on this machine.  Disaster 
just before holidays is not scheduled nor needed.    

Anyone have experience with these drivers on a TP??
Am I just being paranoid about installing them?

Thanks in advance

Alexander (Sandy) Hines
Marketing and Sales Manager
Engineering Serices @ InNOVAcorp
Nova Scotia Innovation Corporation
101 Research Drive   PO Box 790
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2y 3Z7, Canada
Phone: 902 424 8670 ext. 155
       800 565 7051
Fax:   902 465 7384
Email: shines@innovacorp.ns.ca
WWW    http://www.innovacorp.ns.ca