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Seeking Previous Thinkpad 701 BIOS - SYS7013n.EXE

I'm still at it, taking advantage of some quiet time to try to tie up
some loose ends with my thinkpad.  The issue now is suspend/resume -
things get fouled up, in both linux and dos/win, after any
suspend/resume.  I'm running the latest (and what seems to be the
last) bios - BUTUSO3, ie sys7013o.exe - and have strong suspicions
that is the culprit.  I'd like to switch back to the sys7013n
revision, but i can't find a trace of it on the web - no hits from
either alta vista or lycos, and it doesn't seem to be available from
the places that david blank-edelman suggested in his march, 20 post to
the list (http://os2.ibm.be/bbs/download/f/10D/SYS7013N.EXE or


So my question is, does anyone have a copy of the .exe available
online somewhere, so that i could download it?  Alternately, would
someone be willing to upload it to a site i could provide?  

I do have a copy of sys7013m.exe that i made a while back, and may
give that a try, but would like to get rev n, which people seem to be
happy with...

Thanks in advance!  (I hope i'm not overusing the privileges of this
list with my questions...)

Ken Manheimer		klm@cnri.reston.va.us	      703 620-8990 x268
	    (orporation for National Research |nitiatives
		 1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100
			   Reston, VA 22091