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RE: ActiveX and Thinkpads


	Yup - mea culpa - I meant DirectX not ActiveX (and therefore, directdraw,


At 11:38 96-12-30 -0800, the sage
RICHARD_HAMEL@non-hp-santaclara-om3.om.hp.com scribed:
>     This entire thread seems to beusing the incorrect terms. ActiveX 
>     should be DirectX (DirectPlay,DirectDraw, etc..).  I too got the 
>     DirectX 3 drivers to work on my 760C with the game Heroes of Might and 
>     Magic II.  Dunno what the new drivers do though, seem just as good as 
>     2.0.
>     Richard Hamel
>     --------------
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: RE: ActiveX and Thinkpads
>Author:  Non-HP-crumrinem (crumrinem@toysrus.com) at HP-Boise,mimegw18
>Date:    12/30/96 7:28 AM
>I just got the ActiveX 3.0 and Red Alert going on my 760CD. It required 
>the latest bios and display driver. The only trick left was to select 
>640x400 instead of 640x480 in the Red Alert setup.
>>From:  Chris Liljenstolpe[SMTP:cds@mcmvxb.mcmurdo.gov] 
>>Sent:  Saturday, December 28, 1996 6:16 AM
>>To:    tp750@cs.utk.edu
>>Subject:       ActiveX and Thinkpads 
>>       I was wondering if any of the TP's have ActiveX support (i.e. ac 
>>activedraw, etc.).  My TP755CE does not, and IBM indicated no inclination 
>>to do so.  I am looking at new laptops (not for that reason) and was 
>>if any of the newer thinkpad's do/
>>       -=Chris
Thus end the quotation from the scroll