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Re: 365xd info/opinions wanted

Paul Rubin wrote:
> What do ppl think of the 365XD?  It seems nicer in most regards
> than my 755cx and the price is pretty reasonable.  I think it has
> the same display (800x600 10.4" TFT) and keyboard, plus it has
> genuine Soundblaster-compatible audio hardware instead of the stupid
> Mwave, and it can take an internal CD-rom.  Things it -doesn't- have
> are the Li ion battery and easily swappable hd's, but that's ok.
> Questions:
>   - Can the HD be upgraded without too much hassle?  I mean to put
>     in a bigger one.  I don't need to swap them in and out regularly.
>     Can it use standard 19mm-thick HD's?
>   - Is an external floppy included or is one available?  Can the
>     external floppy and internal CD be used as the same time without
>     needing any software configuration?  The idea is to do OS installations
>     by booting a floppy that then reads the CD.  This is a big pain with
>     the 755cx, because you have to use an external cd with pcmcia scsi,
>     which means you have to build the OS with pcmcia drivers etc. and
>     you have a chicken and egg problem.  (OS is Debian Linux, btw).
>   - Does it have the same annoying 4-pin power connector or a more
>     reasonable 2-pin coaxial plug?
> Thanks.
The hard drive can be upgraded, there are a few screws to remove and the
drive lifts out. Not sure what size of HDD's will fit.

The floppy & CD-ROm are useable at the same time. THe cd-rom is not

The power adapter has the 2-pin plug.