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Re: TP 701C refresh rates on ext. monitor

Sorry about the lack of information-

I would like to use it at either 640x480 or 800x600, both at 256 colors.
The newest drivers dated 11/8/96 cause the system to hang. I am using the
Win 95 upgrade with Service Pack 1. This was a 'clean' install over PC DOS
6.3. I may try Service Release 2 to see if this helps.

> From: John H. Kim <jokim@MIT.EDU>
> To: Eric Giles <egiles@netpathway.com>
> Subject: Re: TP 701C refresh rates on ext. monitor
> Date: Tuesday, December 31, 1996 10:32 PM
> On Tue, 31 Dec 1996, Eric Giles wrote:
> > I'm trying to increase the refresh rate on my 701C using a MAG
> > DX15F. I'm using the C&T Win 95 drivers dated 7/11/96. The refresh tab
> > the display properties will not allow me to select anything. I've just
> > installed the latest driver that is DirectX 3.0 compatible, but now my
> > system hangs on reboot. Selecting the proper .inf file for the monitor
> > doesn't help either. Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
> It would help if you told us what resolution and color depth
> you're trying to run this in.
> --
> John H. Kim
> jokim@mit.edu