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Linux on TP750Cs

I installed Linux (from Volkering's Walnut Creek CDROM:  Linux
Slackware 96 CD-ROM -- Kernel Version 2.0.0) on my TP750Cs.  It
seems to work just fine -- with a few minor quirks.

(1)  Could someone send me their current XF86Config for use with
the internal display, an 800x600 external monitor, and a 1024x768
external monitor?

(2)  Could someone suggest how to configure Linux using the SYSV
rc.d scripts so that the ethernet startup software does not hang
the boot process when no ethernet cable is attached?  It would be
even better if someone could suggest a configuration which would
allow alternate use (1) without any network attached, (2) while
connected to campus ethernet, and (3) while attached via dialup
IP (SLIP prefered -- PPP as an alterative) from home to campus.

(3)  Finally, I'd like to know what needs to be done to get suspend
and hibernate to work while in Linux.  The BIOS functions do not
seem to work when I press suspend and hibernate keys while in Linux.

Thanks, Aexander