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Re: New to the list, hello

>   I just bought a TP701C, dx2-50, 20M, 340hd. Just getting used
> to it now. Nice machine, wonderful screen.

Nice laptop.

>   My main intention is running Linux on the machine, which seems
> fairly possible from my searchings of the web. I know Linux
> fairly well, but this is my first laptop that would be capable
> of seriously running it.
>   Quick question, is there any source of documentation? My

There is a linux laptop mailing list.  I don't know the address
off the top of my head, but you should be able to search the
Linux HOW-TO's to get the address.  The mailing list should have
a FAQ.  Having said this, installing Linux is very easy.  Just
remember to specify "floppy=thinkpad" when prompted for special
append flags when you boot from the root disk.  The rest is
identical to installing on a desktop.  I suggest downloading and
compiling the latest release kernel (2.0.27?).  When you do this,
you are better off _not_ modularizing drivers that you will use
frequently (especially APM).  Also download and install APMD,
which does not come bundled in most Linux distributions.  You can
use APMD to suspend your TP safely.

>   Also, in Canada, where would I call to transfer the
> warranty? I was told by the seller this was possible, I
> hope that to be true.

Warranty transfers automatically...just get the original receipt
from the original owner.  If you don't, IBM will go by the manufacture

>   Thanks!
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------Ottawa-Canada-GOSENSGO------
>         Trevor Boicey          1992 Celica GT    1975 MG Midget
>        tboicey@brit.ca           <== Note new email address...

Dave Ahn,  ahn@indigo2.rad.bgsm.edu     "When you were born you cried, and the
                                         world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
Medical Visualization Lab, Radiology,    so that when you die you will rejoice,
Bowman Gray School of Medicine           and the world will cry."  -1/2 jj^2