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Stereo input --> mono output on my TP 560


My TP560 (Windows 95) runs the ESS ES1688 AudioDrive S/W.
Under file properties, it is version 4.03.02

When I pipe in the stereo audio signal from my CD drive, it
comes back out mono.  :^(   I can't find any settings in the
control panel to change.  So is there anything I can do,
or is the input jack only built to take in a single channel?

I am using the "built-in" ESS Audiodrive Mixer, is that the problem?
Is there an update or superior mixer software for the 560?

I have a TP 560 model which didn't originally come with Windows 95 on
it.  It was installed by the vendor, and I have reinstalled since.
What Win95-specific extras am I missing, software-wise, if anything, and
if so, can I go somewhere to get such extras?


Daniel D. Helfrich, Landsat 7 Mechanical Systems Engineer, Landsat Project
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA  20771
phone: (301)286-8481  fax: (301)286-1744  email: helfrich@gsfc.nasa.gov