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Re: suspend/resume in NT 4.0

Try upgrading your bios...available from IBM web page.  Also, try
reformatting your hard drive with a fresh install.  You should have no
problems with the newer bios upgrade which supports win/95.  Also, try
calling IBM tech support.  They can advise.

Bill Pratt, Bellevue, WA
"No matter where you go...there you are"!

> From: Myoung-Jun Kim <mjk@u.washington.edu>
> To: thinkpad <thinkpad@cs.utk.edu>
> Subject: suspend/resume in NT 4.0
> Date: Sunday, January 19, 1997 1:23 AM
> Hi,
> I just install Windows NT 4.0 in 701C.  But, it crashes after
> suspend/resume.  Dose anybody use NT 4.0 ?  Please, let me know your
> Actually, I had a same problem in Win 95....
> -------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Myoung-Jun Kim, U of Washington
> BOX 352650 Seattle WA 98195