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re: HD replacement (part II)


I just joined this mailing list and I haven't seen part I of your
comments.  Since I have been looking for a HD upgrade for my TP755C,
I've been shopping around and asking around as you have been.  

It almosts seems as though you've been quoted a price for a SCSI 3.5"
drive, meant for a desktop.  The price you mentioned is at least $100
below the cost of any other drive that I've encountered that is claimed
to be usable with a TP. 

I've seen bare, (sans caddy) 1.2 GB, 2.5" drives manufactured by Toshiba
or Seagate advertised by Insight, Inc., for about $400 each.  

Simple Technology sells 1.0 GB drives in a caddy designed to fit the TP
for about $450.  I tried one and returned it because it couldn't
power-down during APM-suspend under Win95.  I've seen several complaints
about APM incompatibilities in the archives to this mailing list.  The
only success I've seen mentioned was with an individual who installed a
third-party drive in a third-party caddy in a TP755CE (my memory is
fuzzy on this; look in the 1996 archives and search for 'hard' or 'HD'
if you are interested).  

Sigma, Inc., the OEM supplier of TP drives, sells a 1.0 GB drive for
$700, and the drive falls under existing IBM service contracts.  Sigma
also warranties the drive beyond IBM contracts for a total of three
years of drive-ownership.  They also sell a 1.4 GB drive for $800, which
is marginally better in price/capacity.

There is some useful information on hard drive replacement at the
web-site for the Road Warrior Outpost (please cf. Yahoo).

Hope this helps...

        HD replacement (part II)
        Mon, 27 Jan 1997 11:34:42 -0500
        Paulo Magalhaes <pm119@columbia.edu>

Thank you for all the replies to my query.

I have been quoted $339 for a 1.2 GB IBM disk by Bason Computers
(1-800-400-9064). Has anyone dealt with them before? Doesn't this
price sound a little too cheap?

Again, many thanks for your comments.

Paulo Magalhaes  *  Dept. Neurology, Columbia University, New York, USA
voice: (+1 212) 305 1665  **  fax: ... 305 3986  **  pm119@columbia.edu