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Re: 365 Series & Preloaded Operating Systems...

> It's almost funny...
Actually, it's more frightening or ridiculous than that.

I have a friend who works for IBM.  He works for the Personal Software group.  His job 
is working with PSP marketing reps to show ("networked") customers their products 
(OS/2 Warp, Warp Server, COBOL, etc.).  He ordered a 760 awhile ago through the 
internal IBM source (paid for out of his budget) and it came with windows '95 and all 
the OS/2 products shipped separately.  

> Here in Canada, if I wish to order a 365XD preloaded with OS/2, I am told that 
> it would an extra charge, as they ship with Windows 95 *only*.
> Is this a foretaste of things to come?  What a commitment by IBM to their 
> operating system!
> Comments

||    Lee Laniear                                           ||
||    laniear@ibm.net  OR  laniear@netcom.com               ||
||                                                          ||