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Re: Problem whit hard disk

Volontè Alessio wrote:
> The problem is: when I turned off the computer on Hard Disk there were 15Mb
> of free space, but when I turned on the system, on hard disk there were
> only 2 Mb of free space.
> And, whitout execute any program or register nothing, free space changes
> continuously form 5 Mb to 190 Kb.
> I try to cancel 7 Mb from hard disk, but the space is return again to 3 Mb,
> and it change continuosly again.

It is likely a virtual memory issue. You should change the virtual 
memory to a specific amount by going into Control Panel | System | 
Performance | Virtual Memory and specifying your own settings and making 
the minimum and maximum the same. The best number for you is likely to 
be around 20MB.

Steve Hultquist, Founder                     Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Electronic Business Engineering                      Boulder, Colorado
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