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Re: Intro @ a couple questions

The best way is to format /s the drive with dos & install the cd-rom
drivers if nessary. Run the win95 install & when it asks for the
product to upgrade insert the first os/2 win311 or whatever disk & it
will install fine.

On Sat, 01 Feb 97 23:21:11 +0000, dskcpa@ibm.net wrote:

>Hello all:
>I recently purchased a TP 365XD, 40 meg ram, 810 meg. HDD, 100 mhz.
>pentium.  I set up two primary partitions using boot manager - 100
>meg Win95, 276 meg Warp4 (my primary operating system), 400 meg
>logical drive.  I added an external numeric keypad and mini-mouse,
>as well as external speakers.  I'm a CPA and am using this as a
>desktop substitute at my house.
>WOW - so far I'm really impressed - this thing rivals my office
>machine (GW P5-100/64mg ram) in performance and functionality.
>As to my questions:
>I purchased the machine at office depot - they have a 2 year 
>warranty extension (Plus 1 Product Protection) available for
>139.95.  IBM's warranty extension after my first year is $300
>per year.  The Plus 1 claims to provide support for everything
>the manufacturer does after the first year.  Does anyone have
>any experience/input with the Plus 1 plan?
>My second question concerns the Win95 - I backed up the system
>using the disk director facility, repartitioned the drive, loaded
>DOS 6.22 and Warp4 on the 276 meg primary partition.  When I went
>to reinstall Win95 on the 100 meg partition I originally got to
>disk 2 wherein the installation was unable to read certain files.
>I was able to get a replacement disk 2.  Next installation bogged
>down at disk 3 - Again, I was able to obtain a replacement disk.
>Third try - setup is unable to read certain files on disk 14 - this
>time IBM refuses to replace the disk - something about their pre-
>load licensing - my only option is to return the system to them
>and have them setup the system as it was when I purchased it.
>Of course this is impossible as I have spent considerable time
>and effort configuring and tweaking this thing to get to where
>I am.
>Anyone have any ideas how to get Win95 setup on this machine?  I'd
>buy the upgrade (I have several Win 3.1/11 licenses around somewhere)
>but I don't know that I have the room to install DOS/Win 3.11 and then
>Win95 in 100 megs.  The fullpack seems rather pricey - I run Warp4 for
>work - I'd just like to check out Win95, since I'm licensed for it,
>and see how the other 99.99998% of the computing world lives <g>.
>Thanks for any input!
>David Kuharcik


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