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Installing Win95 on a TP701

My thanks to all who responded to my previous query about how to juggle a
parallel-port cd drive & a floppy on the single special port on the left
side of the 701.   Several kind folks suggested that I connect the cd thru
the parallel port on the Port Replicator gizmo.... And HEY! It works!!  I've
learned TWO big lessons:
        (1) The port replicator has a parallel port
        (2) I should read my manuals......  (- Like I said in original
                post, I recently inherited this machine)

But for all that, I again attempted to load the Win95 Upgrade on the 701
last night, via the cd drive connected thru the parallel port on the Port
2 problems occurred:
        (1) the 95 existing hardware scan wouldn't complete (But everything
runs fine under 3.11 - even the Sound Drivers, and the external port cd
works fine under Win311), so I re-started the upgrade process with the /IS
on the Setup command to skip the scan process;
        (2) At the final step of the upgrade process the the little machine
froze up - Zip, Nada.  After half an hour I re-booted, which took me into
that crippled Win95 mode - "Safe" - ?? somesuch.

I never could comlpete the Win95 upgrade cycle. Best I ever could do was the
Safe mode.

I'm wondering now if anyone out there has words of advice????
One possible shortcoming in present system: It only has 8 megs of memory;
But there are 400 megs of free space on the hard drive so it should have
plenty of space to swap & thrash, etc.  And Like I said, everything works
fine under Win311.

HELP!   BobM, Penn State Harrisburg 
about doing a ScanDrive.