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Re: 2.1 gb drives (2.5 inch low profile format)

On Sun, 16 Feb 1997, Randy Whittle wrote:
> At 08:10 PM 2/15/97 +0000, Alexander J. Annala wrote:
> >Fry's electronics in Los Angeles had Toshiba 2.1 GB MK-2101MAN
> >drives available for $494 new.  I've seen similar drives in the
> 	The *really* thin kind (12 mm or whatever) that will fit in the thin
> laptops like the 701 and the 560, or the slightly thicker ones (17 mm) that
> go in the 760's, et al?

As far as I can tell from a WWW search, the drives ending in MAN are 17mm,
the ones ending in MAV are 12.7mm.
John H. Kim