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TP701 (non)repair experiences

Dear fellow Thinkpaders,

As some of you know, I started having major problems with my TP701C at the end
of November - an intermittent error where the HD (and sometimes the
configuration utility) would disappear as far as the system was
concerned, usually after 30 minutes to an hour of operation. The machine
went back to EZ-Serve a couple of times - they replaced the bottom
system board, then (for no discernible reason) they replaced the IR port,
and later tried a drive swap. Each time the machine would work well for a
day or two after its return, then deteriorate to a worse state than
before the repair. 

Finally, they gave up and sent me a replacement remanufactured machine.
(I objected to this when they told me their plans, since I've had mixed
sucess with refurbs from other companies, but they told me there was no
alternative, besides which they assured me that the refurbishment was to
original factory specs.) This was a duplicate of my original machine,
including small HD, old BIOS and a Nicad battery. 

I worked hard over the weekend reinstalling all the software I regularly
use, and was preparing to transfer one last file, when a problem arose -
the new multiport died. I still hadn't sent back the old machine, and
the multiport from that one works fine on the replacement machine, but
the one that came with the new machine has an electronic fault (ports no
longer appear in the config utility). 

This was just the sort of thing I'd been afraid of, and when it happened
I was furious. I called IBM and griped rather loudly - here I'd been
without reliable use of the machine for two months, and the replacement
they'd sent over my objections was also defective. The IBM rep feigned
sympathy, but when I suggested that IBM owed me *something* for my
pains, he got snitty, and told me that his only obligation under the
warrantee was to make sure I had a working machine, which I had
(provided I kept the working multiport).

Am I being unreasonable here? Based on my wife's experiences getting
repairs on the IBMs in her office, and my own experience with some
screen repairs on my 701C last summer, I used to use words like
"fabulous" when referring to EZ-serve and IBM customer relations. No

BTW, this has already cost IBM a certain amount of business. I'd
budgeted in my current grant for a new high-end laptop, and had planned
to get a TP760; because of these problems, I bought a Micron. My wife
cancelled *her* order for a TP, and is now getting a TI. (In her case,
the decision was reinforced by the fact that a new IBM730 desktop she'd
ordered arrived malfunctioning [and has still not been fixed several
weeks later].) While I'm personally only responsible for one or two
system purchases annually, I have some influence over many purchases,
and will likely recommend against IBM, more because of their attitude
here than because of their reliability record (which I don't think is
much worse than other makes).

- David R. (ross@math.hawaii.edu)