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Re: Warm plugging on 760ED with Win 95

I have tried that.  The PC automatically enters suspend mode when do any
form of swapping.  It just locks.  I was told that this feature is
(ironically enough) not supported under PnP enabled Windows 95 (see
thread below).

Joshua Hosseinof wrote:

  You can swap the floppy and CDROM drive if you put the computer into

  suspend mode when you flip open the keyboard.  You can't do it
  going into suspend mode.

  On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, Jon Cleary wrote:

  > ----------
  > > From: Michael Bernstein <mbernste@castle.net>
  > > To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
  > > Subject: Warm plugging on 760ED with Win 95
  > > Date: 09 March 1997 12:56
  > >
  > >
  > > Is "warm plugging" of the floppy and CD-ROM supported on the
  760ED under
  > > Windows 95?  In the manual it only mentions OS/2 and DOS/Win
  (and at the
  > > FTP site also under NT) but no Win 95.  I have tried swapping
  them only
  > > to have my machine lock up.  If it is supported, does it require
  > > BIOS or driver update?  I bought my TP brand new and tried it
  > > I started putting software on it ("virgin" state) and never got
  it to
  > > work.
  > >
  > > Thanks for any help,
  > > Michael Bernstein
  > DON'T DO THAT!!!!! You could damage your system board! (the TP has
  > switch between an IDE CD-ROM channel and floppy disk connector but
  > do that instantly, also dynamic driver loading for anything other
  > PCMCIA cards is not supported under Win95: it also has to
  > change drive A:\ to D:\ ) Is there an external floppy connection
  kit for
  > this machine?....
  > Jon