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Re: CD Rom Drives

>I wish to buy a CD Romdrive for my Thinkpad 760 LD but cannot decide whether to purchase the IBM internal version or an external PCMCIA or parallel port drive.

I have a 760EL and have the internal drive in my ultrabay and it's been 
great, but then I use CDs more now than I use diskettes.

I used to have a 755C and had an external PCMCIA drive.  It also worked, but..
If I had to do that again, there is one major thing I'd look for:

I had the Panasonic external CD drive.  It worked well, never had a problem
with it.  But it had this separate AC adapter that was even bigger than the
Thinkpad's.  Finding two bottom outlets where I could plug both in at the
same time was a pain.

A friend here has an Exp external CD drive, and it's also worked well.
The big difference is that drive draws it's power from the PCMCIA port
so you don't need an extra AC adapter and an extra outlet.  I'd look for
that "no AC adapter" feature if I ever bought a new one.

Lee Stewart                |  lee@rmii.com
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