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RE: CD Rom Drives

I'm using the new Panasonic 8x PCMCIA exterior drive on my 560, and it 
works fine.  I can get another card in (the modem) if I want.  The 
unit takes 6 AA's, or external AC.  It even contains some speakers 
that (sort of play) stereo.


Charles S. Swartz
Program Manager
Department of Entertainment Studies and Performing Arts (ESPA)
UCLA Extension

310-825-9634   Phone
310-206-7435   Fax

10995 Le Conte Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024


From:  Tim Tyhurst[SMTP:tim@excelsior.com]
Sent:  Monday, March 17, 1997 10:16 AM
To:  Chaplin@emarkt.com
Cc:  thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject:  Re: CD Rom Drives

> I wish to buy a CD Romdrive for my Thinkpad 760 LD but cannot 
> whether to purchase the IBM internal version or an external PCMCIA 
> parallel port drive.
> If anyone has experience of any please could they share those
> experiences with me to assist in my decision.

I recently purchased a Sony 4X CD-ROM Discman (one of the refurbished
ones that Insight was selling recently) for my 760C. The unit itself
works fine, but there are two annoyances:

    1. The connection cable is too thick at the PCMCIA card end, 
       it impossible to use the unit at the same time as another 
       card that requires an external connector. I called Sony Canada
       about this, and got a polite "no, we've never heard of 
       like that before; that's the only cable we have". Plastic 
       on the cable may fix this problem, but I haven't had time to 

    2. Power. As someone else on the list remarked, it's irritating 
       try to locate an electrical outlet that can handle two largish
       AC adapters. On the other hand, the Sony does come with a
       clip-on pack that lets you insert 4 AA batteris and run it 
       that. You can also buy an internal Li-Ion battery for the 
       too, which fits right inside the drive, for another $60 US or 

On the plus side, the PCMCIA card that comes with the unit is 
a standard Adaptec SlimSCSI 1460A, which is handy for using the unit
for other devices. You do have to purchase an additional cable from
Adaptec, though. Also, you can use the drive as a regular CD-player,
when it's not connected to the computer.

In all, for $120 US (refurbished), I'm reaonably pleased with it.
I've used it with Linux and Win95 so far.

Since I have an additional hard disk in the UltraBay on a 
basis, an external CD-ROM works well for me. On the other hand, my 
won't accomodate an internal CD-ROM anyway.

Tim Tyhurst                  tim@excelsior.com