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Re: How to listen RealAudio with Mwave Modem/760CD?

"...So, is it possible to use MWave modem at the same time as audio feature?
If it's not work in Win3.11, will it work on Win95 or OS/2 or NT?..."

i don't remember if i ever did this in 3.11, but it works fine in 95.  i listen 
to college basketball games over real audio on my 755cd all the time, both over 
the t1 and connected remotely at 28.8 with the mwave modem, and i've seen no 
difference in the sound quality, so it doesn't appear to even be limited by use 
of the modem.

Michael J. Verne
Systems Administrator, Ventana Communications Group
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
'sharpei diem' --  sieze the wrinkle dog.