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Re: 16 v 32 on TP (was: Third Party Memory for the TP701)

In a message dated 97-03-19 16:55:59 EST, you write:

<< Subj:	Re: 16 v 32 on TP (was: Third Party Memory for the TP701)
 Date:	97-03-19 16:55:59 EST
 From:	rj@cais.com (rj)
 To:	ross@math.hawaii.edu (David Ross)
 CC:	rwhittle@usa.net (Randy Whittle), ross@math.hawaii.edu,
 My interest in the 32 MB module is for running NT 4.0 with the hope
 that system response would improve significantly, or somewhat more
 than noticeably, since I run some memory hogs. I spoke to a sysop
 at a shop that runs NT 3.51 on their work stations, normally with 32 MB,
 and he said that the performance increase should be noticeable but 
 not enough to justify the cost and that a new box was a better way to
 As an aside, with 24 MB the 701 performs better  with NT 4.0 than
 with Win95. It's more responsive although it does take longer to 
 load  and does not have some of features that 95 has that
 are useful for a notebook. >>

The problem that I notice with NT 4.0 that I have on my server here is that
it eats free memory away fast.  Although my server has been on something like
72 hours now, CPU use is 97-100% and everything is slow.  There is also no
APM support.  I was thinking of getting a copy for my 701 from a friend at
MS, but figured that it would be a waste of time, because using it would be a
waste of time.

Paul Khoury