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Re: Multiport II

Yes mine broke but only after many months of daily use, I like the way it tilts unit.  
It's covered on an exchange basis under your warranty.  I took mine in because the 
internal modem had died.  I mentioned the Multiport and was told about the exchange.


//--- forwarded letter -------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 22 Mar 97 03:39:15 -0500
> From: PAULKHOURY@aol.com
> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> Subject: Re: Multiport II

> Has anyone with a 701 had problems with the connector on the Multiport II
> breaking (no problems with the ThinkPad connector itself)?  Is it just me, or
> is it really flimsy?
> Paul Khoury

||    Lee Laniear                                           ||
||    laniear@ibm.net  OR  laniear@netcom.com               ||
||                                                          ||