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Re: FS: IBM 810MB 2.5" Slimline Drive

On Sun, 30 Mar 1997, Tom Franklin wrote:

> IBM 810MB 12.5mm Laptop Hard Drive -- $180 (OBO)
>  -Model #DSOA-20810
>  -810MB Capacity (1575 Cyl, 16 Hd, 63 Sect)
>  -13 ms Access Time
>  -12.5mm Thick (Slim-Line), 2.5" Wide
>  -EIDE Mode 4
>  -Bare drive -- Doesn't include caddy
>  -No Bad Sectors
>  -Perfect Condition
>  -Should work in any notebook with EIDE
> Connector view of drive:
>   ----------------------------
>  |                            |
>  | ...................... ..  |  22 + 2 pins
>  | ............ ......... ..  |  21 + 2 pins

	I'm interested.... 	Kendall Chenoweth, kendall@ultranet.com
		508 626-2686
> Pulled from Thinkpad laptop, but will work in many others.  Price includes
> UPS ground shipping and COD charges to US addresses.  Sorry, I have no way
> to accept credit cards.  For details check out:
> http://www.storage.ibm.com/techsup/hddtech/dsoa/dsoatek.htm

	Will this work in an IBM thinkpad 750?  What kind of thinkpad did this come from?  What was this drive used for before?  How old is it?  What is the occasion for selling it?

> For another $20, I can include a converter to allow use in a desktop
> machine.

	Not ilnterseted in this.

kendall@chenoweth.ultranet.com		http://www.ultranet.com/~kendall
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