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Re: Voice Recognition Software

> 	As long as we're talking about Voice Recognition, does anybody have
> anything to say about the Kurzweil Voice products I've seen in catalogs?

I was asked to evaluate the Kurzweil Voice for Windows recently, and it
did not perform well at all for our needs.  The software does, however,
support voice profiles and training, which significantly improves 
the recognition.  On a P120, recognition was prompt, although the fail
rate for untrained words was extremely high (around 90%) using a full
dictionary.  This rate decreased to about 5% using a custom dictionary
containing 50 trained words.  Furthermore, this recognition rate only
applied when the voice input was clear and distinct, separating each word
by at least half a second.  If you plan to use Kurzweil to voice-drive
your computer (such as manipulating windows, starting and closing apps,
etc), it works fairly well.  However, I would not recommend it for
dictation, unless you have (literally) weeks to spend on properly training
the words in the dictionary.  One last deficiency of Kurzweil is that
it does not allow you to begin with a 0 word dictionary.  The interface
for adding and removing words is oriented only towards modifying, on
a word by word basis, an existing dictionary.

Our project group opted to go with Entropic's customizable voice
recognition software.  We have someone working on/with it, and the
results are very good.  The Entropic software is extremely powerful
and is designed for dictation.  With proper training, it correctly
recognizes normal, but clearly pronounced, speech and is suitable
for dictation.  Entropic's softwarer also costs an arm and TWO legs.

Dave Ahn,  ahn@vec.bgsm.edu             "When you were born you cried, and the
           ahn@indigo2.rad.bgsm.edu      world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
Virtual Endoscopy Center                 so that when you die you will rejoice,
Bowman Gray School of Medicine           and the world will cry."  -1/2 jj^2