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Re: 760ED & FAT 32

The newest BIOS fixes the hibernation issue.

> From: Michael P. Bernstein <mbernste@Castle.net>
> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> Subject: 760ED & FAT 32
> Date: Wednesday, April 02, 1997 1:54 PM
> I'm thinking about reformatting and installing Fat 32 (Win 95).  Are
> any incompatibilities between the so called "preinstalled applications"
> and FAT 32 on a 760ED?  Would I require a BIOS upgrade first?  My BIOS is
> from last May (I think).  If a BIOS upograde is necessary, how can I tell
> if I have the "enahnced video" (XGA) or regular SVGA model?
> Thanks,
> /\/\ike Bernstein
> (http://www.castle.net/~mbernste/welcome.html)