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701 Pentium upgrade?

I looked at the document, and it is confusing.  While most of the
document deals with the features and options for the 701, the "pentium
upgrade" discussion applies only to the 755CE/CSE/CD.  I wish it were
otherwise, but I'm afraid the 701 really is dead.  Sorry to


"Geovanny M. Ortiz" writes:
 > I recently requested document #65084 from the IBM fax system
 > (800-426-3395) because the document's title was "Thinkpad 701 C/CS,
 > Related Features, Pentium Upgrade"  I reviewed the document's part
 > that talks about the pentium upgrade, but is very confusing.  Has
 > anyone seen this document, and/or is there really a Pentium upgrade
 > for the 701's.