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Re: Email software for OS/2

I second that. the interface is a work of art. 

On Thu, 10 Apr 97 18:43:13, Geoff Hogan wrote:

>I use PMMail (obtainable from Southsoft directly or, like much good OS/2 shareware, 
>BMT micro - URLs available if for some reason you haven't got them).  I have used it 
>almost as long as I have been using OS/2 (which isn't all that long) and am very 
>pleased with it.  Being shareware you can try before you buy, too.
>Dr G P Hogan
>Laser Group,  Clarendon Lab.,	Tel:  +44 1865 272205
>Parks Road,  Oxford  OX1 3PU	Fax:  +44 1865 272400
>UK				Email: g.hogan@physics.ox.ac.uk

Gabriel Ash